Your world is so small
It fits only yourself
And maybe a fraction of someone else
But when the pressure's on
It hurts to breathe
As your walls close in
But you can't fight back
No, you'll only fail
Your muscles are made of wax
Your armor, paper maché
Your weapons are sticks
Because you can't afford stones
Tiny heart
You're a paper tiger
As you fight
You rip and tear
And tape can't repair
You fight the Lion of Words
The Creator Script
Let His Holy Fire
Burn your sticks
Set aflame your paper maché and wax
Let Him graft His pages to you
Replace the ashen skin
Let Him bind the Truth to your soul
Tiny heart
This world is torn by death and sin
It's broken and wasted
Empty and hollow
Black and decayed
And it is crying out to be healed
But we are powerless to repair
The best we can manage
Are frayed patches
That hold nothing
So this world is rotting
We claim so many things
While knowing
It's our fault
If we are so hopeless
Then how can we hope?
There has to be a source
Of revival
A light in a dim dark world
That light must have its source
Apart from us
Light that created us
Creation means there's a Creator
Creator God Who shaped us
Made us
Despite knowing we would break
In this He paved the way to heal us
For He loved us so much
To die for us
Live for us so we could be
For only God can take that which is dead
And cause it to live again
Born anew
This was Jesus message
That He came
Looking like us
So that we could
Look like Him
But there is a price
For our sin is great
And deserves nothing less than
To send us to Hell
But God
Loving us
Wished that no one would die
So Jesus
Paid that price
And died for us
But that is not the end of the story
Jesus did not die
And stay dead
He gave up His life
And took it up again
So we could give up our death
And take on His life
In His life
We are new
Given healing
Our souls cry out for a Savior
Savior Christ
Savior Jesus
Savior God
Will you answer the call?
It's broken and wasted
Empty and hollow
Black and decayed
And it is crying out to be healed
But we are powerless to repair
The best we can manage
Are frayed patches
That hold nothing
So this world is rotting
We claim so many things
While knowing
It's our fault
If we are so hopeless
Then how can we hope?
There has to be a source
Of revival
A light in a dim dark world
That light must have its source
Apart from us
Light that created us
Creation means there's a Creator
Creator God Who shaped us
Made us
Despite knowing we would break
In this He paved the way to heal us
For He loved us so much
To die for us
Live for us so we could be
For only God can take that which is dead
And cause it to live again
Born anew
This was Jesus message
That He came
Looking like us
So that we could
Look like Him
But there is a price
For our sin is great
And deserves nothing less than
To send us to Hell
But God
Loving us
Wished that no one would die
So Jesus
Paid that price
And died for us
But that is not the end of the story
Jesus did not die
And stay dead
He gave up His life
And took it up again
So we could give up our death
And take on His life
In His life
We are new
Given healing
Our souls cry out for a Savior
Savior Christ
Savior Jesus
Savior God
Will you answer the call?
© Nathan Janes 2012
Here I sit in my dark room
Reading pages that
Are all too blank
And hard to see
They wrote their verses
Words meant to inspire
Yet they wasted ink
Never to be seen again
Now I sit in wonder
Worried that I too
Am writing a blank page
Words empty and hollow
So, my friends and foes
I write this script to let you know
This one will do what he can
To not be another blank page
© Nathan Janes 2012
Reading pages that
Are all too blank
And hard to see
They wrote their verses
Words meant to inspire
Yet they wasted ink
Never to be seen again
Now I sit in wonder
Worried that I too
Am writing a blank page
Words empty and hollow
So, my friends and foes
I write this script to let you know
This one will do what he can
To not be another blank page
© Nathan Janes 2012