In the still of the morning
In the chill of the evening
I think of you
As I lay me down to sleep
As I pray to my Savior
I think of you
When we talked the night away
When we discussed our future
I thought of you
You say you don't want to be hurt
And that I can understand, Love
But I could never hurt you now
I thought of you
When we discussed our future
When we talked the night away
I think of you
As I pray to my Savior
As I lay me down to sleep
I think of you
In the chill of the evening
In the still of the morning
I want to be honest
I thought for sure
This time
Wasn't like last time
Yet things didn't
Work as I hoped
This time
And I'm left unsure
So let's play a game
And I'll be your's
This time
I want to be your knight
You can be the princess
And I will come
This time
If this is what you want
No matter what happens
I don't want to repeat
Last time
This time with you
I thought for sure I
Would die the other
Night and I made a
List of everyone
I would like to say
Good-bye to if it
Were true I died
Lists are funny things
They never seem to
Go the way you think
They will if you have
To make them at all
Because you expect
Them to be small
Only I could not
Fathom why I would
Think of telling you
Of all people I
Was going to die
And say good-bye for
Keeps this one last time
Very curious
That you would be on
On my mind at a
Time like that when I
May be no more for
This world except for
One personal fact
Everyone knows that
The heart is a hard
Thing to understand
And this event is
No exception to
This very odd fact of
Life we all find true
Yet I cannot tell
What events will come
To pass with what I
Have come to see now
While I tried to make
A simple list of
People late at night
Oft I have been sad
To find my feelings
Of fancy to be
All but false and I
Cannot bare the thought
Of you crying for
What was really not
Usually I do
Tell others my thoughts
But this time I have
Decided to hide
What I have to say
Until a time that
We are both ready